Friday 8 May 2015

Blue Suede Shoes

Here is an amusing little tale.

Siobhan came into the kitchen with a bottle of my whisky. It’s the one I’m slowly working my way through and was quarter full (or three-quarters empty, if you prefer). “Why have you got that?” I asked. It turns out she wanted it for a still life for the art exam.

“You’re not taking that to school!”  I said. I explained that taking an open whisky bottle to school was bound to be in breach of some school rule or another and that a quarter bottle of whisky was bound to be a temptation to someone.

The question was though, what to do about it. She wanted the bottle. The solution was to decant the whisky into an empty jar. Not a jam jar actually, but a jar which had contained chocolate spread. I washed it out carefully first. Then I replaced the whisky with an equal amount of tea. It’s the standard thing done in the theatre (unless certain actors are playing, when they use the real thing) and looked pretty convincing.   

So there you have it. I’m drinking my own liquor from an old fruit jar!